A situation many can relate to: an empty smartphone battery and no outlet around! That's exactly why I recycled an old laptop battery into an USB power bank.
Follow the link for the full article with close ups of the electronics and insights into the building process.
Who doesn't like celebrating new years eve with firecrackers?! But no more numb thumbs from fumbling around with a silly lighter in the cold - the automated firecracker slingshot comes to help!
I recently stumbled across a lot of small scale RC planes using LiPo batteries and most of them had a charger integrated into the battery powered remote. Why waste batteries on charging when you can use an external power supply?
Click here to see the detailed tutorial on how to mod your Silverlit X-Twin remote to support external and internal power at the flick of a switch!
With smartphones getting faster and more capable you'd sometimes want to use them instead of buying another piece of equipment. That's the reason why I wanted to connect an external microphone for audio recordings to my smartphone.